
just a list

This page is a compilation of the list of top algorithms tweeted here.


  • It is not intended to be a definitive list. To add a name to the list, drop me an email or do a pull request.
  • Credits are not intended to be complete, I often just put a single name but many algorithms have a much more complicated history (you can check the associated link for more details).
  • “Algorithm” should be understood in a loose sense and it includes mathematical models (eg. least squares, lasso, SVM, etc.) that can be solved using different algorithms (but these concepts were key conceptual breakthroughs which often drove algorithmic research).
  • The classification is rather arbitrary, since many algorithms belong to several classes.

Coding and Information Theory

Arithmetic and Polynomials

Computer Science and Graphs

Numerical Analysis, ODEs and PDEs


Graphics and Geometry

Signal and Image

Statistics and Machine Learning

